Jennifer Hubbert

SEO Content Writer

Curious | Adventurous | Storyteller

Raised in a loving but modest household on Vancouver Island, Jenn had a late start to travel. As a child, she pored over the National Geographic maps splayed across her older brother’s bedroom. She learned the names of far-off places well before she boarded her first international flight. Once graduating high school, she immediately packed her deep-seated curiosity for the world and a sense of adventure to au pair for a family in Switzerland—a job she found on a thing called the Internet. Half-way across the globe, solo and not speaking a word of Swiss-German, total immersion was a complete shock to the system. It was the thrill of a lifetime that continues to inform her insatiable love of travel—perhaps most, reminding her that life can be an extraordinary adventure, if you dare to heed the call.

For most of her career in travel media, Jenn worked in publishing, first as the digital editor of British Columbia magazine. In 2018, she was promoted to editor-in-chief of Canadian Traveller, a quarterly print magazine. Her role brought her to exciting destinations like Tahiti, Barbados and Bolivia. The publication shuttered during the pandemic but as one door closed, another opened—or in her case, two. Completing her family, Jenn, her husband and eldest son welcomed identical twin boys. Today, Jenn resides in a suburb south of Vancouver, scratching out stories and informative articles. Joyfully, with sons in-tow, her next great adventures won’t be solo ones.

The travel that calls to me now are adventures into increasingly remote places

My Greatest Adventure

With formative travel experiences that welcomed me into the homes of the families I au paired for, for months at a time, my favorite way to travel is slow and immersive. The travel that calls to me now are adventures into increasingly remote places; destinations with wilderness on the doorstep, where opportunities for Indigenous knowledge can be shared, and where tourism is community-based and sustainable. For brief jaunts, I love visiting national parks, centering trips around challenging hikes. Food is an obsession, from humble street carts to elevated plates, I want to eat it all. And nothing pleases me more than checking into a hotel designed in a Wabi Sabi aesthetic.

My Favorite Destinations

I had been holding space for India until I had a few passports under my belt. My intrigue for the country was tempered by intimidation. The two weeks that my husband and I spent in Rajasthan and Varanasi were veiled with an intangible magical quality. The desert sunsets, imposing fortresses, Mughal architecture, kaleidoscope of colors, rooftop dining and the divinity that is a milky-spicy cup of chai were a tonic for the senses. I don’t tend to revisit places, but I’m confident this intoxicating country will pull me back.

Top Countries I Have Travelled to:

French Polynesia

The Netherlands
United States

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