Patios De Cafayate

Patios de Cafayate is a luxury hotel and winery located in the scenic town of Cafayate, nestled in the heart of the Calchaquí Valley in northwestern Argentina. This property combines breathtaking landscapes, elegant accommodations, and world-class wine production, making it a haven for wine enthusiasts and travelers seeking a serene and indulgent escape. Patios de Cafayate also serves as a gateway to the captivating attractions of the Calchaquí Valley, including nearby vineyards, ancient ruins, and picturesque villages.

The hotel’s architecture draws inspiration from the traditional colonial style of the region, featuring spacious courtyards, lush gardens, and charming terraces. With only 32 rooms and suites, Patios de Cafayate offers an intimate and exclusive atmosphere, ensuring personalized attention and a sense of tranquility for its guests.

Patios de Cafayate boasts its own winery, producing wines that showcase the unique characteristics of the Calchaquí Valley. Guests have the opportunity to explore the vineyards, participate in wine tastings, and even take part in winemaking activities to deepen their understanding of the winemaking process.

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