Khulu Bush Camp, is comprised of five thatched, safari style suites built onto platforms and one luxury honeymoon suite that overlooks an ancient riverbed, in today’s terms called a ‘vlei’, known to attract a variety of the greatest wildlife and bird life in Hwange National Park. Khulu Bush Camp is the smaller, more intimate sister lodge to its neighboring Ivory Lodge. The camp has a total capacity of only 12 people. Morning, afternoon and full day game drives can be arranged on the concession and into the National Park. An abundance of game species can be spotted within the concession and National Park including elephant, lion, giraffe, cheetah, zebra, sable, wild dog, leopard and much more!

Other activities include: walking safaris, a visit to the Hwange Research Centre to learn more about beautiful painted dogs, visits to local clinics, rural schools and the Dete Old Age Home through the support of their non-profit project “The Mother Africa Trust,” and full- or half-day “pan sits” with full waiter service to watch the animals as they get up close and personal.