Estancia Rincon Chico

Estancia Rincón Chico is a rustic lodge located in the southeast corner of Península Valdés, on Argentina’s Patagonian coast. One of the richest marine areas on Earth, Península Valdés harbors populations of right whales, elephant seals, sea lions, orcas, penguins, and numerous species of birds and fish. For this reason, the site was declared a “World Heritage Site” in 1999 and a “Biosphere Reserve” in 2014 by UNESCO.

The owners of Estancia Rincón Chico are the fifth generation of two settler families who have lived in the Península for over 120 years. In 2001, they opened the gates to share their remarkable home with guests from all over the world. The property is 100 square kilometers with 20 kilometers of private beaches that enjoy the highest density of fauna in the peninsula. 

The lodge has just eight guests rooms. All activities are guided by biologists/naturalists to see marine life, visit paleontological and archaeological sites, birdwatch, and hike. They strive to offer an experience similar to an African Safari, but with a Patagonia twist.

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